Moberly Star John Jayne at the Junior European Cup – Prague

Moberly Star John Jayne won Bronze in the Junior European Cup last weekend in Prague, Czech Republic. He won the quarter final against Italy by “two ippons” in the sense that he through the boy for ippon in the first 15 seconds, but as the boy landed in a bridge, the referee hesitated in making a call and John continued by turning the boy over and holding him down for 20 seconds to secure the second ippon. The referee was informed by the table judges after the hold down that the throw was an ippon!!
John lost the semi-final to an Azerbijani, who he had beaten before four years ago. Although the score was two wazaris and an ippon, the match was actually not that one sided. The Azerbijani got two penalties early in the match, John was later caught twice for wazaris and finally thrown for ippon with uranagi. The Azerbjani left the mat claiming to be too injured to continue in the competition and forfeited the final. John won the Bronze medal final with a dominant display by three wazari’s against the German.

Moberly Stars at Western Area Age Banded Open

Another productive weekend for the Moberly Stars at the West of England Age band Open at Weston-Super-Mare. In the Minors Myeisha won the gold in the u32k. Luca won an excellent silver in the u38k while Oliver defeated team-mate Liam to take the bronze.
In the Pre-cadets, Dinari won gold in the u46k. Brothers Kamal and Kyle had to settle for bronzes in the u42k. Luan had to withdraw through injury while Oliver Lee missed the medals.
In the Cadets Reuel won another gold at u66k and Amel and Mohud took well deserved bronzes at u57k and u60k respectively. For juniors Bence and Tyrese competing in the Seniors proved to be a very tough day but gained exceptional experience.
#Moberlystars #Moberlystars20yearsandcounting20170722_131820 20170723_141503

Moberly Stars at NHC Split Grade

It was a very long but extremely productive day for the Moberly Stars at the NHC Split Grade yesterday. Lots of fantastic performances and great results. Split into 3 groups, red belts, yellow and orange belts and green to brown belts, it was unfortunate that some had to compete among team mates due to a number of categories not having enough competitors. However, 10 Golds, 6 Silvers and 1 Bronze was a great result and placed Moberly 3rd in the Team competition(!)

Parnell, Kristian, Stefan, Nathaniel, Cheyenne, Malayah, Myia, Jaden, Myeisha and Dinari

Khamani, Sheziya, Oliver Almond, Corey, Cheyenne, Amel,

Oliver Lee

onwards and upwards

Moberly Star John Jayne at Hungarian Junior European Cup

John got Bronze today in the Junior European Cup in Paks, Hungary, in the -100 kg weight class. He lost by a shido in Golden Score in the Semi-Final to the eventual Gold Medalist from Germany. In the Bronze medal final he threw the current Junior European Champion from Austria, who is currently ranked 2nd in the Junior IJF World Ranking List and 36th in the Senior IJF World Ranking List, for ippon.
After this weekend John should move up from 3rd to second in the Junior IJF World Ranking List. He is still giving away almost 10 kilo..!!

Moberly Stars at Osaka Red Belt Rumble

What a day for the Moberly Stars at Osaka! A lovely event in Aldershot run by Nicky and Paul Sexton and a great accommodating Osaka Team. 6 Golds 2 Silver’s and 3 Bronzes was another magnificent haul. Golds were won by Diva, Cheyenne, Myia, Nathaniel, David and Stefan. All produced such great performances that was testament to the hard work put on the training mat. For Stefan it was extra special as he was also awarded the Spirit of Judo award for his great spirit and determination. Kristian won an excellent silver and bronzes were deservedly won by Cian, Parnell and Khamani. Unfortunately Gabby picked up an injury and had to withdraw but we all hope she has a speedy recovery.

Moberly Star John Jayne at the Junior Pan American Championships

On Sunday John won the Junior Pan American Championships (at -100 kg). This is the Pan American equivalent of the Junior European Championships.
He was in great form winning his semifinal with a dominant display, scoring 3 waza-ari’s and then an ippon. He beat his Brazilian opponent in the final within 15 seconds.

proud of our ‘little’ John

Moberly Stars at Windsor Red Belt Rumble

Today 7 Moberly Stars fought at the Windsor invitational red belt rumble. Cian won his first gold with a typically battling performance. Hudayfah was also a gold medal winner with a very mature performance, as was Diva, winning yet another gold medal. Sheziya was also in great form to claim her gold while Kristian was a little unlucky and had to settle for silver. Stefan unleashed a furious shoulder throw to claim a bronze medal, and brother David rounded up the medals with a gold medal in the open category.
onwards and upwards

Moberly Stars at 2017 National Team Championships

The 2017 British National Team Championships was a magnificent occasion. Not only did London retain the pre-cadet boys title but we were awarded a new trophy in memory of my dear friend and great supporter Roy Luff who passed away earlier this year. Presented by his wife Lesley it brought a tear to my eye to know he would be proud that we won it. It was a great event run by an excellent team of officials from the Southern Area.
The Moberly team members in the pre-cadets all performed superb and were worthy winners. Kamal, Kyle, Dinari and Daniel contributed to this amazing team in more than just competing but in support and togetherness. The Cadet boys won a great bronze medal and Reuel and Tyrese were instrumental in this success.
The London Area also won the men’s title, silver in the cadet girls and bronze in the senior women.
i must also add that i was so proud of every member of the London team, from the competitors to the coaching staff to the crazy supporting parents. Our London spirit is to be envied. NUFF LOVE FOR LONDON