Moberly stars at Southern Area, NHC and Alicante

Well done to the 9 Moberly Stars that made the journey down to K2 Crawley to compete in the Southern Area Age banded event yesterday.
In the AA category Parnell was in great form to win Gold, while both Kristians and Cian put in great battling perfomances to win bronzes.
In the minors, Myeisha showed great skill to win Gold in her category with some excellent foot sweeps.
Pre-cadets Kamal and Kyle both moved up to the u50k and dominated the group again to win gold and silver respectively again. Oliver returned to competition with a bronze in the u38k.
In the Cadets, Anna showed great improvement to win the u57k category, while Oliver claimed bronze in the u50k.

Over in Alicante, Spain, Omar won an excellent gold medal competing the Spanish Super Cup event at u38k. Ali just missed out on the medals but it will have been a fantastic experience for both boys.

Last week Corey was the sole representative at the NHC Orange and below and moved up to the u55k category and claimed gold.

Well done all
